Below please find links to useful websites to further your research. Simply click on the underlined text to view the website.
Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA)
Used to register health testing results!
​Border Terrier Club of America (BTCA)
Parent Club for the BT
Staffordshire Terrier Club of America (STCA)
Parent Club of the AST
Dr. Carolyn Olech - general veterinary practitioner
Dr. Natalia Kunze & Dr. Hannah Loonsk - reproductive veterinarians
* This is what we wean our puppies onto
Instinct Original KIBBLE Dog Food
* This is what we sometimes feed our dogs
Instinct Raw Boost KIBBLE Dog Food
* This is what we use if we are running low or on the road and need supplies (available at Petco and Petsmart). Same as the Original kibble but has extra dehydrated raw bits
Instinct Be Natural Grain Inclusive KIBBLE Dog Food
* This is what we sometimes feed our dogs - rotated with the Original kibble.
32IN Metal Play Pen for long term containment
This is what we use to keep our pup's grass mat and for use around the house to prevent unwanted behaviors (chewing, getting into things, etc)
Used indoors with pee pad underneath temporarily until pups are able to "hold it" for longer durations. Also used to initially toilet train dogs to grass type surfaces. ​
Artero Stripping Knife GREEN
Artero Stripping Knife BLUE
Artero Stripping Knife Red
Groomer DK Retro Stripping Knives
Example of our purchase contract and agreement. This is an example only and terms are subject to change based on the arrangements made by all parties.
This contains information pertinent to bringing your puppy home. Information will be provided for each litter as relevant.